GCP German Cathodic Pro­tection

We are GCP - expertise in cor­rosion pro­tection

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Become part of our team – even without pre­vious expe­rience in the field of cor­rosion pro­tection!

We have created our management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and DIN ISO 45001:2018 and had it cer­tified by TÜV Nord.

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Our company

GCP German Cathodic Pro­tection is a natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally active company for cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection ser­vices and systems and offers a wide range of tech­nical ser­vices and pro­ducts for cus­to­mized and indi­vidual solu­tions.

With our qua­lified and expe­ri­enced staff, we are able to react fle­xibly to special requi­re­ments. Our aim is to provide our cus­tomers with the best, most eco­no­mical and reliable cor­rosion pro­tection systems to protect their invest­ments over the long term. Our cus­tomer receives ever­y­thing from a single source: con­sulting, preli­minary mea­su­re­ments, opti­mized planning, material sel­ection, material pro­cu­rement, instal­lation, testing, com­mis­sioning, inspection and support.

CP – Com­pe­tence in cor­rosion pro­tection tech­nology

The company was founded by expe­ri­enced and qua­lified employees of a former world-leading and most expe­ri­enced German company in the field of cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection.

Quality management at GCP

We under­stand quality to mean the optimal ful­fillment of the various, con­stantly changing cus­tomer requi­re­ments and expec­ta­tions at all times at a price that is appro­priate to the equi­valent value! Quality is achieved through optimal interface rea­lization between cus­tomer requi­re­ments and the internal depart­ments and their tasks.

Optimal rea­lization means rea­lizing the necessary results in the form of pro­ducts and ser­vices in a con­trolled, error-free manner and mini­mizing the “avo­idable effort” to almost zero. Per­manent occu­pa­tional health and safety is an equal focus of our acti­vities. Our management system has the task of ensuring this optimal rea­lization in the long term.

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