Cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection
Company ser­vices

Ever­y­thing from a single source, from planning to instal­lation & main­tenance

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Cer­tified employees according to European standard & Ame­rican standard

Extensive expe­rience since 1969

Fixed contact person & reliable planning

Fast response times & emer­gency service

Inno­vative tech­nical equipment

Onshore & Off­shore

Special solu­tions for excep­tional cases

Cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection

To ensure that your KKS systems can be planned and installed for you as a national or inter­na­tional cus­tomer in a cus­to­mized manner, we deploy lin­gu­i­sti­cally fle­xible spe­cialist per­sonnel with the greatest pos­sible expertise worldwide.
This makes it pos­sible to create highly effective KKS con­cepts for the cor­rosion pro­tection of your systems at any time, regardless of type, size, com­plexity or location.

Rely on unbu­reau­cratic and reliable KKS service that sup­ports you when you really need it. From design and planning to instal­lation, com­mis­sioning and ongoing moni­toring and main­tenance, you can cus­tomize your GCP service exactly as you need it.

Select the GCP PPS expertise you need for your project!

A typical project sequence – cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection

In order to incor­porate all the necessary project-spe­cific data into the detailed planning, we offer you a site survey incl. envi­ron­mental assessment, loca­lization of location-relevant influencing factors and the necessary mea­su­re­ments.

Recording of field data

Soil resis­tivity mea­su­re­ments

Feed-in tests

Testing for influences

Using the infor­mation you provide and the data from the preli­minary mea­su­rement, we create a PPS concept tailored to your needs. Con­side­ration of the relevant legal and cus­­tomer-spe­cific stan­dards is man­datory. All KKS ser­vices are also designed for envi­ron­mental com­pa­ti­bility, sus­taina­bility and dura­bility.

Planning concept / tender docu­ments (tech­nical & com­mercial)

Imple­men­tation planning and cal­cu­lation

Material spe­ci­fi­ca­tions

Assembly ins­truc­tions

Com­mis­sioning ins­truc­tions

Main­tenance ins­truc­tions

Mea­sures against AC/DC inter­fe­rence

European standard / Ame­rican standard – cer­tified employees

For your cor­rosion pro­tection project, you receive the deve­lo­pment of special solu­tions and research into long-term requi­re­ments as well as tech­nology deve­lo­pment.

So that even extra­or­dinary requi­re­ments can be met sus­tainably, you also receive the necessary sup­plies from a single source.

In addition to planning and cal­cu­lating your KKS system, we also offer instal­lation and assembly on site. We supply you with all the necessary ele­ments in accordance with the planning. The exten­sively qua­lified and cer­tified GCP employees ensure pro­fes­sional imple­men­tation and instal­lation of all com­ponents from a single source. Here too, we pay par­ti­cular attention to com­pliance with all envi­ron­mental pro­tection and safety regu­la­tions.


Mounting over­growth

Project management

Tech­nical dis­cussion


Deadline moni­toring

Before and during the instal­lation of a KKS system, it is often necessary to carry out a wide range of acti­vities, some of which require expert opi­nions. We carry out all kinds of tests and inspec­tions in accordance with the appli­cable regu­la­tions, stan­dards and any cus­tomer spe­ci­fi­ca­tions.


Func­tional samples



We also make it pos­sible for you at any time:

FAT Factory Accep­tance Test

Third Party Inspection

Depending on the customer’s requi­re­ments, we can prepare all the docu­ments needed to implement a KKS system for you in the desired lan­guages. This includes national and inter­na­tional regu­la­tions and envi­ron­mental pro­vi­sions.

As GCP’s KKS systems are designed to suit every requi­rement, failures are rare. Nevert­heless, due to external influences, failures may occur. Of course, we are also available to assist you in these cases with our pro­fes­sional spare parts and main­tenance service.

To ensure the effec­ti­veness of the cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection, regular func­tional checks of the pro­tection systems and tar­geted moni­toring mea­su­re­ments on the systems are required.

By car­rying out these mea­su­re­ments and main­tenance work as part of our KKS ser­vices, potential risks can be reliably iden­tified and eli­mi­nated before failures and damage occur.

It is not for nothing that the legis­lator pre­scribes regular inspec­tions for many systems. The need for action defined by you is imple­mented by us in such a way that you no longer have to worry about it.

Our ser­vices for the smooth ope­ration of your systems:

Fast response times

Unbu­reau­cratic action

Con­side­ration of all relevant regu­la­tions

Remote moni­toring

Your advan­tages:

Early detection of damage and cost savings for expensive repairs

Fle­xi­bility for indi­vidual cus­tomer requi­re­ments

Very short response time

Reduce the downtime of your KKS system

No investment in training and pro­vision of own per­sonnel

Remote moni­toring » important separate area

Spare parts service

Main­tenance mea­su­re­ments

Remote moni­toring of your cor­rosion pro­tection system

You have invested in systems that display, record and report all relevant data. But who eva­luates this data pro­fes­sio­nally and initiates rapid trou­ble­shooting in the event of fault mes­sages? We are happy to take on these tasks for you! With GCP RMCS (Remote Moni­toring and Control System), a remote control system is available that pro­vides the necessary basis. Tog­ether with you, we check your KKS systems and create the con­di­tions for optimum tele­control tech­nology.

Our remote moni­toring service offers these advan­tages:

Security around the clock

Location-inde­pendent, auto­matic data exchange via system ope­ration

Imme­diate alarm if limit values are exceeded

Influencing mea­su­rement, control and regu­lation para­meters remotely (optional)

Modular system

We tailor our ser­vices to your requi­re­ments and work with you to find the best pos­sible solution.

Intensive mea­­su­­re­­ments-CIPS / DCVG

If a regular pre­scribed inspection is due or spe­cific solu­tions become necessary due to a mal­function, our KKS service usually begins by pro­viding you with infor­mation about the con­dition of your system. So that we can jointly determine what infor­mation is required for the deve­lo­pment of a long-term and sus­tainable solution, we recommend a non-binding preli­minary meeting to determine your spe­cific needs.

Once we have jointly deter­mined your requi­re­ments, we select the appro­priate pro­cesses and plan their imple­men­tation.

Proof of the effec­ti­veness of com­plete cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection on under­ground pipe­lines is pro­vided by intensive mea­su­re­ments, among other things.

Prior to the intensive mea­su­rement, the purpose and objective of the mea­su­rement is dis­cussed with the cus­tomer. The type of intensive mea­su­rement is also deter­mined at this time.

Intensive mea­su­re­ments are carried out by our cor­rosion pro­tection tech­ni­cians using state-of-the-art mea­suring vehicles and com­­puter-aided systems. We measure, interpret and document all intensive mea­su­rement assign­ments. We compile the necessary docu­men­tation for accep­tance by TÜV experts.

With our docu­men­tation, you can verify the effec­ti­veness of your catho­di­cally pro­tected pipe­lines and any defects in the pipe coating at any time. As a rule, influences from third-party instal­la­tions are also shown.

With the mobile com­puter system, CIPS makes it pos­sible to carry out intensive mea­su­re­ments in cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection with the mea­su­rement of pipe/soil poten­tials and voltage funnels. With CIPS, intensive mea­su­re­ments and trou­ble­shooting on pipe­lines can be carried out quickly and easily. The high-reso­lution and simul­ta­neous 3‑channel mea­su­rement value acqui­sition, tog­ether with the simple ope­ration of CIPS, are ideal pre­re­qui­sites for precise and meaningful intensive mea­su­re­ments in cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection.

CIPS sup­ports various mea­su­rement methods for intensive mea­su­rement and trou­ble­shooting

2‑electrode method

Potential mea­su­rement and one-sided voltage line mea­su­rement (DCVG)

Pure DCVG mea­su­rement (direct current voltage gra­dient)

3‑electrode method with cal­cu­lation of the IR-free potential

Potential mea­su­rement and 2‑sided voltage line mea­su­rement

Addition method

Basic mea­su­rement at the mea­suring pile as with the 2‑electrode method, then additive cal­cu­lation of potential and voltage funnel by mea­suring the voltage drop along the pipeline without con­nection to the mea­suring contact Intensive fault location (IFO) Mea­su­rement of the switch-on and switch-off poten­tials along the pipeline for pure fault location.

Your advan­tages with CIPS

Clear indi­cation of wrapping faults through voltage drop mea­su­re­ments

Cal­cu­lation of the defect size in relation to the effec­ti­veness of the cathodic pro­tection, basis for decisions on the repair of coating defects

Accurate inter­pre­tation in the event of external influence (stray current)

Deter­mi­nation of the actual switch-off potential

Simple exe­cution of mea­su­re­ments by just one expe­ri­enced cor­rosion pro­tection tech­nician.

Intensive fault location onshore and off­shore

Using the right mea­suring method to prove the effec­ti­veness of the cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection of pipe­lines requires many years of expe­rience. The use of these methods depends on the wrapping mate­rials used and pos­sible influences.

A mea­su­rement method such as intensive mea­su­rement also pro­vides infor­mation about the potential at the phase boundary and is an excellent method for finding defects of any size, but it is dif­ficult to carry out in urban areas. Intensive flaw location (IFO) can be used to detect even the smallest flaws in new PE-coated pipe­lines, but it does not provide any infor­mation about the pola­rization on the steel surface within the flaw. This mea­su­rement method is much faster than intensive mea­su­rement and can also be carried out well in urban areas.

In the off­shore sector, reme­a­suring the cathodic pro­tection of longer sea-laid pipe­lines is very time-con­­suming. In coöpe­ration with spe­cialist com­panies for hydro­graphic surveys, we con­tribute our expe­rience in the field of cathodic pro­tection for pipe­lines laid at sea. Using Data Sonic towing systems, RCVs (Remote Con­trolled Vehicles), Side Scan Sonar, etc., we carry out follow-up mea­su­re­ments using a wide variety of methods.

Spe­cific elec­trical soil resis­tivity mea­su­re­ments for mea­suring depths >30 m

Reliable spe­cific soil resis­tivity values are essential for the planning and cal­cu­lation of deep anode systems for cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection.

The multi-elec­­trode geoelectric system is used to determine spe­cific elec­trical soil resis­tances at greater depths, even with several layers. The com­­puter-con­­trolled elec­trode system is used for auto­matic mea­su­re­ments and dis­plays the spe­cific soil resis­tivity pro­files in 2 or 3 dimen­sions.

Every KKS system can become faulty even after years of trouble-free ope­ration. Typical examples are contact with foreign cathodes, e.g. new foun­da­tions, defective insu­lating sec­tions or spark gaps due to contact with third-party instal­la­tions.

We are able to carry out all dif­ferent ver­sions of trou­ble­shooting. In par­ti­cular, 100Hz tech­nology can achieve fast and cost-effective results thanks to its pre­cision. This applies in par­ti­cular to meshed piping systems.

Defects such as pores, cracks and holes impair the coating quality and thus the cor­rosion resis­tance of a product.

The gentle testing of a wide variety of coating and cor­rosion pro­tection mate­rials with high voltage has proven itself over a long period of time. The test is pre­scribed by many factory stan­dards and norms and, as part of quality assu­rance, makes a reliable con­tri­bution to opti­mizing service life, avo­iding ope­ra­tional inter­rup­tions and con­se­quential repair costs.

Whether externally or internally coated pipes, con­tainer rubber linings, fully encased fit­tings or machine parts … Whe­rever non-con­­ductive layers are applied to con­ductive mate­rials (e.g. metal, damp con­crete) or can be underlaid with con­ductive mate­rials, reliable detection of defects is pos­sible.

Our staff are trained and cer­tified for this work.

To ensure the quality of the pipe coating you have purchased, the NORM spe­cifies a test pro­cedure to determine the absence of pores (coating resis­tance greater than 1x10⁸ / Ohm x m²). We provide you with our qua­lified per­sonnel and appro­priate equipment for this purpose.

In the inte­rests of the end cus­tomer, this mea­su­rement pro­vides an inde­pendent result for quality assu­rance.

Stray currents from direct current lines, high-voltage direct current trans­mission systems etc. as well as alter­nating current can cause con­siderable cor­rosion damage to under­ground pipe­lines.

In order to determine the extent of pos­sible influences, our cor­rosion pro­tection tech­ni­cians carry out long-term regis­tra­tions on the affected systems.

Here, for example, poten­tials, DC/AC currents and all necessary data for a qua­li­tative statement are coll­ected.
Our cor­rosion pro­tection tech­ni­cians provide advice on eva­luating the mea­su­rement results and deter­mining appro­priate pro­tective mea­sures in coöpe­ration with the ope­rators.

High-voltage influence cal­cu­lation

The merging of power lines and the signi­fi­cantly improved sheathing of pipe­lines mean that high-voltage inter­fe­rence is occurring more and more fre­quently. A distinction is usually made between per­manent and short-term influences.

In order to ensure the ope­ra­tional safety of the pipe­lines and the per­sonal pro­tection of their employees, extensive mea­su­re­ments must be taken on existing systems and new con­s­truction mea­sures must be assessed in advance.

If required, we carry out appro­priate mea­su­re­ments, cal­cu­la­tions, design of pro­tective mea­sures, delivery of com­ponents and their instal­lation and com­mis­sioning for your systems in accordance with the appli­cable tech­nical regu­la­tions.

KKS training courses, training courses & spe­cialist seminars

To ensure that you can rely on your staff as well as your highly reliable GCP KKS systems, we offer proven training pro­grams for your employees as part of our KKS Ser­vices.

Depending on your current requi­re­ments, your employees will receive training and cer­ti­fi­cation in the ope­ration of KKS systems adapted to their level of know­ledge. The extensive training pro­grams include detailed labo­ratory tests.

Indi­vidual training for your staff

Training center in Germany

Extensive training setups from solar systems to control systems and moni­toring systems

In-house training at your company

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