Cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection for hydraulic steel struc­tures

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Cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection for hydraulic steel struc­tures

Ports & locks

Steel sheet piling


Con­veyor plat­forms

Off­shore pipe­lines

Cor­rosion is one of the biggest threats to the long-term inte­grity and pro­fi­ta­bility of your faci­lities and struc­tures. In fact, almost 4% of the entire global gross domestic product is lost due to cor­rosion. Ships, off­shore instal­la­tions, off­shore wind tur­bines, port faci­lities, lock gates, jetties and other maritime struc­tures require effective cor­rosion pro­tection.

This should the­r­efore take priority in the planning, design, pro­duction and ope­ration of these systems. Based on decades of expe­rience with regard to the diverse requi­re­ments of maritime struc­tures, we have the tech­nical expertise to plan, install and maintain cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection systems, regardless of their type, size, com­plexity and location.

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