Cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection for indus­trial plants

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Cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection for indus­trial plants

Complex indus­trial plants

Power plants

Petro­che­mical plants


Indus­trial plants are complex struc­tures in which the elec­trical sepa­ration of pro­tective and earthing systems by means of insu­lating sec­tions and iso­lating spark gaps is not fea­sible.

All metal­li­cally con­ductive system parts and instal­la­tions are con­nected directly to the earthing system. This means that the entire earthing system, including all building foun­da­tions, is inte­grated into the cathodic pro­tection. A much higher pro­tective current is requi­rered com­pared to elec­tri­cally iso­lated systems.

Gal­vanic ele­ments are created between pro­tected objects and the rein­forced con­crete foun­da­tions, which adversely affect the system com­ponents to be pro­tected. We use our ‑CP-CALC- software package when planning cathodic pro­tection systems in order to find the optimum tech­nical and eco­nomic solution to complex requi­re­ments.

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