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KKS Produkte
KKS Produkte schnell und unkompliziert bestellen
Damit Sie schnell und einfach die Bauteile und Lösungen geliefert bekommen die Sie benötigen, nutzen Sie unseren bewehrten Anfrageablauf
- 04–000 Impressed current anodes summary
- 04–603 Groundbed head structure
- 04–602 Accessories Carbonaceous backfills
- 04–001 Types of groundbeds and anode applications
- D04-100 Magnetitanoden
- 04–200 Silicon iron anodes
- 04–300 Mixed metal oxide MMO anodes
- 04–400 Pt Ti-Nb-Ta anodes
- 04–500 Open hole replaceable deep groundbeds
- 04–601 Accessories LORESCO SC‑2
- 09–000 Cable connections summary
- 09–100 Compression cable lugs and joints
- 09–200 Compression joints and tap connectors
- 09–300 Cable splicing kits
- 09–400 Thermit welding
- 09–500 Electronic pin brazing unit S30 XC
- 09–510 Electronic pin brazing unit ECONECT
- 09–550 Capacitor discharge stud welding unit LBS 80
- 09–590 Cable sealing set
- 09–600 ROYSTON Handy Cap
- 09–700 Cable route markers
- 09–710 Underground warning tapes
- 09–800 Heat-shrinkable tubing
- 09–810 Heat-shrinkable cable caps
- 06–000 Permanent test stations summary
- 06–000 Types and functions
- 06–100 Model TP-001 and TP-002
- 06–200 Model TP-003
- 06–300 Model TP-004 and TP-005
- 06–400 Model TP-006 FLUSH FINK
- 06–500 Model TP-007
- 06–600 Model AJB Anod Junction Box
- 06–610 Model AJBex Anod Junction Box ex
- 06–700 Model CJB Cathode Junction Box
- 06–710 Model CJBex Cathode Junction Box ex
- 06–800 Accessories
- 11–000 Measuring Equipment summary
- 11–101 DC-Voltmeter 2000
- 11–102-R1-LC‑4.5‑Handheld-multimeter
- 11–103 Multimeter Model B3A2
- 11–104 Digital multimeters MM2
- 11–105 Digital current clamp meter CM 2
- 11–106 Fluke 170 Series Digital multimeters
- 11–108 High Voltage Insulation Tester METRISO PRIME
- 11–109 Handheld pH Meter – pH 3110
- 11–200 Multifunction instrument MoData 2
- 11–301 GEOHM C‑Ground Resistance Tester
- 11–302 Earth resistance and resistivity tester MRU-105
- 11–303 Earth resistance tester UNITEST TELARIS Earth
- 11–304 Earth resistance and resistivity tester MRU-120
- 11–310 Soil box, Test cell
- 11–320 SuperSting Wi-Fi – Geo-electrical Imaging System
- 11–330 MiniSting – Resistivity IP geophysical instrument
- 11–411 potential converters
- 11–502 MiniLog2 Datalogger and GPS Time Switch for CP
- D11-510 Potenzialueberwachung-PFUE
- D11-601 Kabel-und-Leitungssuchgeraet
- 11–602-R3-Pipe-and-cable-precision-locator-UT-930
- 11–620 Poro Test 7 – Holiday – Pin Hole ‑Detector
- 11–630 ISOTEST 4S – Holiday – Pin Hole ‑Detector
- 11–701 Portable reference electrodes
- 11–801 Accessories
- 13–000 Data management system summary
- 14–000 Pipeline accessories summary
- 14–101 Spark gap EXFS L
- 14–102 Spark gap EXFS KU
- 14–103 Spark gaps EXFS 100 and EXFS 100 KU
- 14–104 Spark gaps TC100A and TC500A
- 14–201 Flange insulating kits
- 14–202 Monobloc insulating joints
- 14–301 Carrier pipeline insulators
- 14–401 AC Voltage limiter
- 14–501 Kirk Polarisation cells
- 02–000 Transformer rectifiers summary
- 02–001 Perfection in Transformer rectifier production
- D02-010-Lieferoptionen
- 02–101 Air cooled Type TR-AC-01
- 02–102 Air cooled single or multiple module TR-AC-02
- 02–109 Air cooled portable Type TR-ACP-01
- 02–120 Compensating current limitation unit Type CCLU-01
- 02–150 Residual voltage compensating unit Type RVCU-01
- 02–201 Oil cooled Type TR-OC-01
- 02–900 Selection guide
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