AC/DC supply systems

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After an internal preliminary check, an experienced technical consultant will contact you to discuss your individual requirements

You will receive your individual offer on the basis of the joint needs assessment

After your order you will receive your KKS products, components and solutions as agreed

Test product 2

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DC supply systems for cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection systems
Mains-inde­pendent elec­trical DC supply systems for cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection systems are required whe­rever pipe­lines, well delivery pipes, tanks etc. are laid or installed far away from any elec­trical mains supply and gal­vanic pro­tection systems cannot be used for tech­nical reasons.

Our off-grid DC supply systems are cha­rac­te­rized by high per­for­mance and relia­bility. The systems are spe­cially planned, sup­plied and com­mis­sioned to meet the requi­re­ments of the KKS systems. They are sui­table for use under extreme envi­ron­mental con­di­tions, as are common in the oil and gas industry.

Do you have questions about our products or services?

Send us your request directly:

+49 201 615187-40

Mon-Fri 10:00 - 15:00

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