Measuring points

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KKS mea­suring points
In order to be able to assess the cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection (CCP), mea­suring points are required at regular intervals on the pipeline and other pro­tected objects. In the area of these mea­suring points, cable con­nec­tions are applied to the cathode in order to be able to record the cor­re­sponding elec­trical values.

These KKS mea­suring points are required to carry out regular control or revision mea­su­re­ments. Among other things, poten­tials and their dif­fe­rences over the course of the pipeline are checked there. Devia­tions from poten­tials indicate damage and thus limi­ta­tions in cathodic cor­rosion pro­tection.
If such devia­tions are detected, this is the reason for an intensive mea­su­rement with which the damage can be loca­lized very pre­cisely.

This makes it pos­sible to carry out ear­thworks and repairs very locally and the­r­efore cost-effec­tively, thus quickly eli­mi­nating longer down­times or envi­ron­mental hazards.

The indi­vidual current values for anodes and pro­tective objects (cathode con­nec­tions) can be recorded at special mea­suring points for anode systems and cathode con­nec­tions.

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+49 201 615187-40

Mon-Fri 10:00 - 15:00

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