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Product 6 Single

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External current anodes
To prevent cor­rosion on pro­tected objects, the use of high-quality impressed current anodes is the main com­ponent for achieving a long service life for your pro­tected object.

External current anodes always have an external DC power source. The anodes are installed in an elec­trolyte (soil or water) and drive the pre­viously cal­cu­lated current required. External current anodes are used whe­rever higher currents are required for cor­rosion pro­tection. This is typi­cally used for long-distance pipe­lines, in the sea­water sector or in envi­ron­ments with a high oxygen content for larger objects. The choice of mate­rials from which the anodes are manu­fac­tured varies according to local requi­re­ments.

The most important impressed current anodes for pro­tection against cor­rosion are
– Magnetite anodes
– FE/SI anodes
– MMO anodes
– Titanium anodes
– MESH anodes
– Cable anodes

Gal­vanic anodes
Gal­vanic anodes are typi­cally used in KKS cor­rosion pro­tection when only low currents are required to develop a pro­tective effect.

The way these so-called sacri­ficial anodes work is due to the potential dif­fe­rence between the various mate­rials (magnesium, alu­minum, zinc) and the steel of the object to be pro­tected.

In prin­ciple, gal­vanic anodes are con­sumed by the pro­tective current and self-cor­rosion. This means that the installed mass must be designed according to the pro­tection requi­re­ments of the system. Hence the term sacri­ficial anode.

- Magnesium anodes (high potential)
– Alu­minum anodes
– Zinc anodes

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+49 201 615187-40

Mon-Fri 10:00 - 15:00

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